For schools

Our offer for schools

The Stonewall Group association organises workshops on counteracting discrimination, homophobia, and transphobia in schools.

The training equips teachers and people working in education with knowledge crucial to better understand problems experienced by LGBT+ youth.

We provide workshops about anti-discrimination with particular emphasis on the situation in institutions of education, about homophobia and its consequences for children and youth, as well as about methods of counteracting homophobia at school.

Anti-discrimination workshop with particular emphasis on the situation in institutions of education.

The training is an opportunity to get familiarised with methods of anti-discrimination education and it is a response for key challenges connected with counteracting discrimination based on various grounds.

It provides tools of dealing with unequal treatment on various levels – the whole school, in teacher-class relationships, and between individual students experiencing discrimination.

The exercises are an opportunity to plan anti-discrimination actions intended for school communities.

Anti-discrimination education is based on four main components:

  • developing knowledge about mechanisms involved in discrimination and exclusion,
  • developing competences in counteracting discrimination,
  • developing competences in counteracting discrimination,
  • strengthening discriminated and excluded groups and people through inclusion and empowerment.

In anti-discrimination education, knowledge about discriminated groups and mechanisms of discrimination is firstly addressed. This is because stereotypes and biases are to a great extent caused by lack of knowledge and repeating commonplace, often false, opinions about various minorities.

Homophobia and how it affects children and youth.
Methods of counteracting it at school.

The training focuses on sexual orientation and gender identity as some of the main premises for discrimination found in schools.

The focus is not only on explaining the terms connected with these topics, but also on presenting the history of LGBT+ emancipatory movements in various countries. What is more, we present the results of research conducted by Polish non-governmental organisations about violence motivated by homophobia.

We discuss the concept of minority stress to explain the increased incidence of mental illnesses and suicide attempts among LGBT+ youth when compared with their heterosexual peers.

The training also features exercises that will facilitate coming up with effective methods to counteract homophobia at school.


We look forward to working with you

“Dziecko zagrożone homofobią” (“Child endangered by homophobia”) conference [2017] in cooperation with Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań

“Szkoła wolna od homofobii i transfobii” (“School free of homophobia and transphobia”) project co-run with the City of Poznań in 2020

Meetings with pupils from the areas surrounding Poznań: Leszno, Śrem

If you are interested in having a training organised at your school, please contact us.

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