Stonewall podcasts

Stonewall podcasts

A series of podcasts produced by us where we talk about various topics connected with the LGBT+ culture and community.

Stonewall podcasts

Stonewall podcasts are a series of podcasts we have produced that cover a variety of topics related to LGBT+ culture and community. Culture journalist Mike Urbaniak plays the role of the moderator.

So far, our podcasts have hosted: the theater director Wiktor Bagiński, the Poznań activist Paulina Kuntze, the president of the Stonewall Group Mateusz Sulwiński, the photographer Maciej Krajewski, and the philosopher and feminist Jolanta Prochowicz. We also talked to prof. Waldemar Kuligowski, an anthropologist and author of the book “Trzecia płeć świata”, about which “Polityka” wrote that it should be prescribed for homophobes and transphobes on prescription, and with Wojciech Szot, author of the biography “Panna doktór Sadowska”.

Mike Urbaniak is a cultural journalist and theater critic, he has worked for Przekrój and Polish Radio, currently for Gazeta Wyborcza. He is the author of several hundred interviews with the most outstanding figures of Polish culture. For ten years he has been associated primarily with the theater: he worked at the Teatr Rozmaitości and Nowy Teatr in Warsaw, he was a juror of the Premiere Festival in Bydgoszcz, a member of the Artistic Committee of the Competition for the Staging of Polish Contemporary Art, curator of the drama program “Przepisy żydowskie” at the Jewish Theater and host of Instytut Teatralny, a series of meetings with the most outstanding actors of Polish scenes “Moja historia”.

Mike is also the author of conversations commissioned by the Polish Theater in Poznań with all actors of this stage. In 2017, he translated into Polish and directed a performative reading of Larry Kramer’s drama “Normalne serce” in Poznań. He is the author of the text and the director of the play “Michaś” about prof. Michał Głowiński.

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